Freelance development
Rapid prototyping

What I do

My passion is developing new product ideas for clients. Starting with a prototype as a proof of concept and then refining that prototype all the way to a finished product. Together with the client I look at what the possibilities are and do my very best to realise the best product possible. Because one person is in charge of everything there is perfect synergy between hardware and firmware preventing nasty surprises during integration.

Cooperation with other disciplines is one of my strong suits. If the product needs integration with a back-end or if the product needs integrating with other hardware that is no problem. I can clearly communicate requirements and ask out requirements for the integration. This way potential issues can quickly be flagged and resolved.

For prototypes my go-to microcontrollers are ESP32’s or STM32’s depending on customer needs. Together these devices cover a big range of customer needs, from ultra low power to touchscreen devices running Linux.

Are you interested in my services? Please get in touch! Even if you just want to brainstorm about possibilities. I love to hear about your next project, and maybe get the opportunity to work together.

Who am I?